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Native Culture Preserves and Reduces Carbon Emissions

Carbon emission reduction is a priority for fighting climate change. Native plants provide the most feasible solution to reducing carbon emissions. The largest contributor to carbon emissions is the destruction of natural habitat for industry. Lawn care wastes more energy and water than fostering a native plant garden. Other issues with garden landscaping include the introduction of invasive species, which suffocate the diversity of species on your property.


Carbon Reduction Carbon emissions are created by industry, transportation and fossil fuels that release CO2, which becomes trapped in the earth's atmosphere. Global warming is directly affected by excess CO2 in the atmosphere. The act of planting grass seed, watering grass seed, manicuring the lawn and fertilizing may not be the most efficient use of energy resources. The carbon footprint of native plants reduces greenhouse gas emissions according to studies at the University of Texas, Austin's Lady Bird Johnson's Wildflower Center.

Forest Conservation More carbon monoxide is released into the atmosphere in the destruction of forest lands than any other kind of carbon emissions. Terrestrial plants capture more CO2 than all oceans combined. Research new methods of restoring balance to the environment and reducing stress. Consider who and how to invest in organic composting and recycling of food waste in a sustainable economy.

Sustainability Native plants create biodiversity and provide a higher rate of CO2 exchange through photosynthesis. Photosynthesis is the chemical process that plants use to draw carbon from the air and exchange it for oxygen, O2. The University of Minnesota horticultural program promotes sustainable landscapes for increased biodiversity, water quality and the social benefits of increased property value and low maintenance. Contact your local university extension office to become an advocate for native landscaping and sustainable gardening.

Low Costs Native plants unlike grass lawns need little fertilizer, pesticide or extra watering. Native plants actively contribute to more oxygen in the atmosphere, therefore they reduce carbon emissions from lawnmowers, cars and fossil fuels. The benefit of using plants to improve water quality further contributes to sustainable landscapes. Gardens with native plants also attract animals and birds. Native seeds are less expensive than transplanting your lawn.


Benefits Less is more when you consider carbon reduction by native plants. Benefits of native landscaping are the reduction of pollutants in run-off water for streams and lakes, protection of biodiversity that contributes to the future health of the planet.

Continued work in biodiversity preservation in the State of Washington is linked here...

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