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Isochronic Tones

Zakaos made this tone for healing and relaxation combined with the oldest known ancient Chinese healing tone . " I also made this for healing , hibernation , deep cell rejuvenation and cell wall strengthening and repair . I used a blend of healing oils frequencies known to heal and dispel negative energy ext . Orgonite tone is also used to convert any bad radiation ionic particles to good ionic particles. The V2k , Radio Tv radiation nuro blockers are mainly for silent sound neurological repair and blocking and healing of these specific areas that are the most secretly attacked areas in the body and mind by neurological warfare weapons known as Silent Sound or Voice to Skull."

$3000 deposit




The Most Versatile and Economical sustainable green building design in the world.


Earthship Biotecture is beyond LEED Architecture.  Earthships are green buildings that meet standard building codes.


EarthshipBiotecture is based on the work of principal architect, Michael Reynolds. 


Post Ignorance Art

The Post Ignorance Project, conceived by Kevin D. Blanch, is a counter movement (rooted in art) to the ignorance of the dangers of nuclear power and the industry that controls it.

Integrative Yoga Therapy  is an accredited member school by the International Association of Yoga Therapy (IAYT).

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